Experience first-hand how wonderful and awe-inspiring is our Lord's creation

If you have a passion for studying all things life science, 从微小的微生物到巨大的生态系统, 生物学是正规赌博十大网站归属. 生物学专业的主题包括植物学, zoology, 从生态学到细胞生物学, 微生物学, 和遗传学. No matter what your area of interest in the life sciences may be, you will be joining fellow CUAA students who share your wonder in the intricacies of God’s Creation.

Credits 120





Understand and connect with the intricate world God designed with a degree in biology. 

如果你在康科迪亚大学主修生物学, you can anticipate learning both inside and outside of the classroom and explore a broad range of disciplines. You will attend lectures and participate in labs and field research to obtain hands-on experience. Many of the required classes are taken in the Concordia Center for Environmental Stewardship, a LEEDS Platinum facility designed specifically for laboratory courses that emphasize fieldwork and environmental ethics. 

在你学习生物学的过程中, you will take 49 credits of required coursework and 11 credits of related electives. The required coursework provides a strong foundation in the biological sciences, while the elective coursework allows you to focus on your area of interest.


Students who major in biology have a well-rounded range of courses and concentrations to form a comprehensive education base. Biological studies will explore a broad range of disciplines within the life sciences—from botany, zoology, 从生态学到细胞生物学, 微生物学, 微生物, 和遗传学. 你也要学物理, chemistry, 沟通, and ethics to further deepen your knowledge and understanding of organisms and their processes.

Students who major in biology have the option to complete an undergraduate research project. You will work with faculty members and conduct research in biological studies upon department approval.   

  • Ann Arbor

